Michele Papadopoulou, Freedom and Liberty
20 April-2 May 2017
Alpha C.K. Art Gallery present;s the work of Michele Papadopoulou in Cyprus for the first time. The exhibition presents a full range fo her latest work comprised on paitings under the genral title Freedom and Libery.
Fully absorbed in the huge world of her painting, the mixing of colors sometimes displays ghosts ofFernand Léger, Dubuffet,Chaissac,Matisse, Cocteau, Miro, Picasso or even Ingres to whom our artist sometimes refers. with all its simplicity; it perfectly combines the modernism of the last century by cleverly avoiding the pitfalls of copying; in fact it is based on its own knowledge; lines, words, rhythms as well as a feast of colors, form a unique visual art whose fascinating decorative action causes a pole of visible attraction; a language direct and vivid of a shocking youth where the rupture of the verb is joined to the diagrams of bodies and objects and is involved in geometric shapes of pure colors; a unique art that testifies to the high mastery of contrasts : contrasts of lines, colors, rhythms, and patterns.